Albireo (Beta Cygni).  Considered to be one of the most
beautiful double stars in the sky, due to its wonderful color
contrast. The 3rd magnitude primary is a golden yellow or
topaz in color, while its 5th magnitude companion is pale
blue.  The pair's separation is 34.5 seconds of arc in position
angle 54. This image was captured on October 18th, 2009
through the 11" (280mm) Celestron Schmidt-Cassegrain
at f/5 (1400mm focal length). The exposure was 1/10 sec.
COR CAROLI: The brightest star in the constellation Canes Venatici. Named for King Charles
the first of England. The primary is 2.8 magnitude, and the companion is 5.6 magnitude.
Their separation is just under 20 arc-seconds, in position angle 282 (the fainter companion
is west of the primary. The brighter component is yellow-white and the companion is slightly
yellower. This is a 2 second exposure through the C-11 at f/2 (560mm focal length).
KAPPA HERCULIS: This attractive pair consists of a 5th magnitude yellowish primary and a
6th magnitude golden companion at a distance of 28 arc-seconds to the NNW.
Taken through the C-11 at f/2 (560mm focal length) with a 2 second exposure.